Monday, April 14, 2014

Getting rid of threads

Because of the number of colors I have in play at one time, and also due to the pink eye episode, when I started on Doodleplex this weekend, I had a lot of parked threads to deal with. 
I don't know about you guys, but the whole "needs to be finished" thing drove me a little nuts.

However, thanks to some serious hours, I was able to at least get rid of five loose threads!

To start with, I finished the outer parts of the four green petals:

In the spirit of getting rid of colors, I tackled all of the dark blue parts: 

Then the grey bits: 

And the aqua thingies: 

And then finally the bases of the pink flowers (though I can't stop thinking "armpit hair" every time I look at it)

I say, on to the pink petals!!!!


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